This has got to be one of the coolest image editing innovations ever. Evidently, one of the developers of this technology has been hired by Adobe. Let’s hope this is added to Photoshop, or maybe even better, as a plug-in.
Month: August 2007
SuperFriends: Mxyzptlk’s Revenge
When Superman and Batman are forced into Mr. Mxyzptlk’s home dimension they are subjected to his annoying pranks. Even worse, however, getting Mr. Mxyzptlk to say his name backwards doesn’t get rid of him.
Bizarro Returns in Action Comics #855
Bizarro returns to Action Comics in issue #855 (on sale 08/29/2007) courtesy of Geoff Johns, Richard Donner and artist Eric Powell. Just look at that cover to issue #857 with the Bizarro Justice League. It’s hilarious. The fat Flash and happy Batman are the best.
I can’t imagine the story being anything but amazing. Johns has excelled at integrating past history into the recent continuity of the DC Universe and director/producer Richard Donner has invigorated the Superman franchise with new takes on old ideas. Top it off with art by Eric Powell, who is THE perfect artist for a story involving Bizarro, and I’m ready to start reading.
How Hard Is It – part 1?
YouTube Spam – Seriously, how hard is it to implement a filter to keep people from posting their URL/Cam Site names as comments on my video posts. Any given day I can check and 1/3 of my new comments will be spam. Marking it spam never seems to work and I swear that if I mark it as spam, it reappears the next time I check the post.
Come on YouTube, let’s get some seriously good comment spam protection going.
Badly Formatted Top 10 Lists – You know that a good list (Top 10 Ways, Best, Most Sucessful, etc.) will get you on Digg no problem, but formatting that list with only one entry per page means that I probably won’t read it. How hard is it to make something easy to read? Do you want to turn away readers?
Here’s a good list – ASME’s Top 40 Magazine Covers and a bad list – AOL Money & Finance: Most Successful Movie Franchises.
Guess which one I read?
Swamp Thing TV Series Coming to DVD
According to TVShows on DVD, that seems to be the case. Shout Factory, the same group that produced the amazing Freeks and Geeks DVD set has supposedly acquired the DVD rights to the 1990 USA Network series. Based on the DC comics character, the series took the basic idea of the character and spun it into a genre heavy series that thrived on a threat/monster of the week theme.
I remember watching this show off and on the last few years of high school. It was just a few years before that I had gotten into the classic Swamp Thing series from DC. Writer Alan Moore took a stock horror character and transformed him into one of the most interesting books that DC had at the time. Rick Veitch continued the trend after Moore left, but the series floundered for direction after Veitch abruptly left. The comic had the character increasing in power to near god-like levels and it was hard to find anyone or anything that could challenge the character.
Several attempts have been made to bring the character back, but all have failed. With the success of the 1985-1996 series and the fact that it help found DC’s now popular Vertigo line, DC editorial have been hesitant to remove the character from his horror filled roots and return him to the super-hero filled DC universe proper (despite the recent, constant pleas from DC editorial). I say let them have the character. Past history and success is keeping the character tied to a formula that a few writers had success with, but others have not been able to duplicate in over a decade. Give someone else a chance to see what they can do with Swampy.
For a full history of the character and TV show, be sure to check out Arcane Knowledge and Cult TV Man’s Swamp Thing page.