While I would not consider myself a “Mistie,” I did love watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 back when it was on Comedy Central and Joel Hodgson was host. I never liked the Mike Nelson episodes as much, but Nelson’s new venture Rifftrax is definitely interesting.
Nelson and occasional guests record commentaries for current TV and DVD releases and provide them on the Rifftrax.com website for a small fee ($.99 to $3.99) per download. Users can then listen to Mike Nelson and Neil Patrick Harris commentaries while watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Tell me that isn’t tempting.
This site is laid out exceptionally well. Each commentary has a sample and clearly states the price. Each listing also links to purchase the DVD on Amazon and rent it from Netflix. It’s a great idea for a site/service with the right person behind it. The New York Times has a great, detailed article about the site. It’s well worth reading.