Star Wars Stamps (click for full image) - Coming May 26

It looks like the R2-D2 Mail Boxes were only the beginning. The US Post Office unveiled a Star Wars website, stamp sheet, and pre-paid Express Mail mailers. There’s even an easy trivia contest for a chance to win a trip to L.A. for the Star Wars Celebration IV convention.

The stamps are pretty cool and I’ll definitely get a sheet to save (along with the DC stamps from last year, and the Marvel stamps coming this year). You can also vote for your favorite stamp on the set and it will receive a full sheet release. Out of all of the images, the Darth Vader head-shot looks the best on its own.

Finally, I heard rumors last year that Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope would be re-released this year in honor of the 30th anniversary. I want to say it was going to be converted to digital 3-D, but I may not be remembering correctly. Regardless, I hope it comes to theaters in some form of wide release this year. Nothing would put a bigger smile on my face than sitting in the theater, 30 years later, watching one of my favorite movies with my son sitting right next to me.