Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day 2008, so head on over to your local comic shop and pick up the free books. Try something you’ve never tried before. Take you kid(s) and get them something to read. Most shops should have the following books:
The great thing is that more and more publishers are beginning to offer new content (or #1 issues) in the free books, rather than reprinting old material. That not only entices existing readers to try new books, it makes a perfect starting place for all new readers.
There are several more books that retailers could order at a heavily discounted price. These Silver Level books are secondary offerings by the big publishers or books by smaller publishers that can’t afford to cover the publishing cost. I hope our local shop has:
For more information (and previews) of all these books — and more — visit the Free Comic Book Day site. Be sure to get out there, get some free reading material and enjoy.