Spider-Man (2005)

Added the All New OHotMU entry from 2005 for Spider-Man.

Osborn also revealed Spider-Man’s identity to Mac Gargan, the Scorpion, and had him kidnap Aunt May, Osborn had been publicly revealed as the Green Goblin and jailed after murdering journalist Terri Kidder. He knew big businesses had been conspiring since the 1950s to create super-villains and, as a potential whistle-blower, was an easy target in prison, Osborn wanted Peter to break him out in return for May’s freedom but when Peter did, a battle erupted with the Sinister Twelve, including Gargan himself—now a new Venom after bonding with the alien symbiote. Around this time, Spider-Man met The Queen who had powers allowing her to control the world’s insects, eventually causing Spider-Man to mutate into a giant spider. She planned to detonate a bomb that would kill everyone except those with the insect gene but Peter returned to his human form and stopped her, albeit with enhanced powers. Recently, Spider-Man joined the New Avengers. No matter his change in powers or group membership, Spider-Man is always one of the world’s greatest heroes.

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