LOST Billboard Leads to Viral Site


On a trip through Knoxville this weekend, Jill and I spotted the above billboard, but couldn’t make out the spray painted message as we went by. Of course, a quick Google returns many results and they are quite interesting.

There’s a whole viral site located at find815.com and if you don’t have time to decipher the entire game/site, then read Oceanic Conspiracies for a breakdown of the happenings on the site.

Oceanic Conspiracies lists all of the “in game” websites and has summaries of all the videos, voicemail  and other content on the find815.com site.

According to an article in an Omaha newspaper, the billboards appear in cities that LOST fans think are connected to key characters on the show…

Fans of the show believe the billboards have been placed in the area where certain “Lost” characters are from. Kate Austen, who fled to Australia after killing her mom’s lover is played by Evangeline Lilly and in the show is said to be from Iowa. An American marshal captured Austen in Australia and was transporting her back to American before the plane crashed.

The site’s game is set to end on Jan. 31 when the first episode of Season 4 premieres. Here’s hoping that the viral content leads right into the premiere rather than falling flat like the viral game featuring “Rachel” did a few summers ago.

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